Our Projects

In the last 4 years, Skill Up has participated as a partner and as Leading Partner to several Erasmus Plus Projects. Each of these projects are helping us to upgrade our high-quality training offer and to improve the competences of our trainers.


 2023-25 ICARUS - Including Chess As a Re-education Up-Skilling tool N. 2023-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000152409

2023-25 ICARUS - Including Chess As a Re-education Up-Skilling tool N. 2023-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000152409

ICARUS is an innovative project dedicated to teaching soft skills and re-activating a positive emotional process in prison inmates, using chess as a learning tool.




 2024-25  Emotional Respectful Men - Intelligenza Emotiva contro la violenza di genere N. 2023-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000180897

2024-25 Emotional Respectful Men - Intelligenza Emotiva contro la violenza di genere N. 2023-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000180897

ERM aims to prevent gender-based violence through affectivity and relationship education for young men and women.




 2024-25 D-TEACH - Digital Teaching Tools  N. 2023-2-BG01-KA210-VET-000175078

2024-25 D-TEACH - Digital Teaching Tools N. 2023-2-BG01-KA210-VET-000175078

The project aims to train trainers in the use of different digital educational applications, for the creation of content, which favour a more interactive and meaningful learning.

The partnership will select the 6 most important educational applications, will implement Experiential Learning Guides and turn them into interactive tools, to be tested with trainers.




  MEDEA - Developing Media Literacy to debunk gender-related media manipulation and fake news  N. 2024-1-LV01-KA210-ADU-000243248

MEDEA - Developing Media Literacy to debunk gender-related media manipulation and fake news N. 2024-1-LV01-KA210-ADU-000243248

MEDEA aims to provide media literacy tools to promote mindful and responsible media consumption and production, in order to prevent and fight gender-based violence online.



  PENTATEAMS - New skills and competences for high performing and inclusive teams  N. 2023-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000152480

PENTATEAMS - New skills and competences for high performing and inclusive teams N. 2023-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000152480

Pentateams aims to improve interpersonal relationships, respect for diversity, inclusion between people from different social or cultural backgrounds and team cohesion in the frame of the organizations.




2023-24 PROMETHEUS – Bringing Soft Skills in VET. N.2022-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000101250.

2023-24 PROMETHEUS – Bringing Soft Skills in VET. N.2022-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000101250.

The project aims to define what soft skills are most essential for young people to find a job and start a career. The partners will implement practices to develop those skills.


 2023-24 OUTSIDE – Activating Strategies to fight Hikikomori Condition N. 2023-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000150723

2023-24 OUTSIDE – Activating Strategies to fight Hikikomori Condition N. 2023-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000150723

OUTSIDE will develop an Inclusion Toolkit dedicated to fight and prevent the Hikikomori Condition. The partners will also write a European Protocol to prevent Hikikomori.




 2023-24 DIVERSITY AT WORK - testing traineeships for persons with cognitive disabilities N. 2023-1-IT01-KA210-VET-000159716

2023-24 DIVERSITY AT WORK - testing traineeships for persons with cognitive disabilities N. 2023-1-IT01-KA210-VET-000159716

The Diversity at Work Project stems from the need felt by the partners to contribute to the inclusion and integration into the working world of a particularly difficult category to reach, that of people with cognitive disabilities. We are talking about cognitive disabilities that are not too severe, that are compatible with a work activity that is not overly demanding, with supervision by a tutor.



2023-24 C-En: Circular Entrepreneurship for Unemployed Women N. 2022-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000083018

2023-24 C-En: Circular Entrepreneurship for Unemployed Women N. 2022-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000083018

The project aims to develop a guide of best practices in entrepreneurship and innovation that will enable individuals who wish to enter the workforce to create their businesses or companies following the principles of the circular economy.




2022-23 CHESS for Lifelong Learning. N. 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000083311.

2022-23 CHESS for Lifelong Learning. N. 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000083311.

CHESS for Lifelong Learning aims to use chess as a method, a tool and a metaphor to develop soft skills in adults over 45.



2022-23: EDL - Emotional Distance Learning N. 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000026099.

2022-23: EDL - Emotional Distance Learning N. 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000026099.

The project, just started, will work on developing a Training Toolkit, based on helping both trainers and learners to face and manage the emotions linked to online training.


2022: LOL - Learning Operative Lab N. 2021-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000034967.

2022: LOL - Learning Operative Lab N. 2021-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000034967.

The partners are defining a Portfolio of Training tools for the acquisition of soft skills through the development of emotional intelligence.


 2022: MINERVA N.2021-1-IT02-KA122-ADU-000017966.

2022: MINERVA N.2021-1-IT02-KA122-ADU-000017966.

It is a mobility project dedicated to women trainers over 40, who will participate to a training course on Leadership.

2021-23: THINK DIVERSE! Agreement n. 2020-1-IT02-KA227-ADU-095146.

2021-23: THINK DIVERSE! Agreement n. 2020-1-IT02-KA227-ADU-095146.

The project aims to promote awareness of the theme of Diversity in adult education. Skill Up is currently developing training materials on Women equality and Gender identity.



2023-24 AGDISTIS: Emotional Intelligence and intervention in non-normative behaviour and gender bullying. N. 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000087432.

2023-24 AGDISTIS: Emotional Intelligence and intervention in non-normative behaviour and gender bullying. N. 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000087432.

Agdistis aims to help preventing gender and sexual-oriented bullying at school.



2019-21: CALLING N. 2019-1-IT02-KA201-C3B2C425.

2019-21: CALLING N. 2019-1-IT02-KA201-C3B2C425.

The project built a Digital Orientation Platform for school students and young people.


2018-19: KIT - Kids In Touch Sport Programme N. 590425-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-SPO-SSCP.

2018-19: KIT - Kids In Touch Sport Programme N. 590425-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-SPO-SSCP.

kill Up worked on the Communication and SDissemination of the project results.

2022-24 Breaking the Ceiling. N. 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000085146.

2022-24 Breaking the Ceiling. N. 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000085146.

Breaking the Ceiling promotes equality between women and men at work, through empowering training. The main aim is to provide professional women with a set of soft skills that will help them breaking the glass ceiling to leadership.


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